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MoU between SPTMC and DDO, Surat

Oct 25, 2021


An MoU- has been signed between Sheth P. T. Mahila College of Arts & Home Science, Vanita Vishram, Surat & District Development Office, Surat on 21st October 2021. Chief Guest of the program was Dr. Harish Padh, Provost VVWU, Surat. He addressed the gathering by online mode from the USA. DDO Shri Gadhvi (IAS), Principal of our college, Program Officer, CDPO, Mukya Sevika & college staff were present. MoU vision: Co-create the roadmap for aspirational districts for rapid improvement in key indices pertaining to health & nutrition as per the agreed statement of intent between DDO & SPTMC, Surat. Ensure highest level of alignment with the office of the District Development Office & SPTMC, Surat. District Development Office has appointed our two faculties as nutrition partners namely Mrs. Minakshi Anurag Tripathi & Dr. Payal Jain.