

Depth Of the curriculum content

Extent of the coverage of course

Practical applicability of course in real-life situations

Learning value

Clarity and relevance of textual material

Knowledge base of the teacher

Communication and Interpersonal skills of the teacher

Interest generated by the teacher

Ability to integrate course material

Availability Of the teachers to motivate study and discus

Skill-based vocational/ add-on programmes and their usefulness

Aptness of the Time-table

Implementation of time-table in word and in spirit

Timetable takes sufficient care of theory classes and practicals

Multimedia-enabled classrooms

Utilization of audio-visual aids

Educational tours

Bank and Industry Visits

Resourcefulness of library

Reading Hall

Accessibility in library

Availability of books

Digitization of library

Resourcefulness and helpfulness of the librarian

Punctuality of non-teaching Staff (clerks and peons)

Attitude and behaviour

Information broadcasting

Duration Of work done

Overall administration of the office

Basic Facilities

Seating arrangement in classrooms

Sports Facilities

Recruitment from the campus

Training and internship with industry partners

Employ ability ratio of the students