Parent’s Feedback Graphical Representation 



Admission Procedure

The quality of Teaching and learning

Infrastructure Facilities

Approach ability of college Staff

Campus safety and Security

In Case of any Emergence support from college

The Contribution of College in an all-round development of my daughter

Short-term Certificate and Add-on Courses Offered by the College

Sports and Cultural Activities

Use of ICT in the College

Library of the College



Admission Procedure



The quality of Teaching and learning


Infrastructure Facilities


Approachability of college Staff


Campus safety and Security

In Case of any Emergence support from college

The Contribution of College in an all-round development of my daughter

Short-term Certificate and Add-on Courses Offered by the College

Sports and Cultural Activities

Use of ICT in the College

Library of the College



Admission Procedure


The quality of Teaching and learning


Infrastructure Facilities


Approachability of college Staff


Campus safety and Security


In Case of any Emergence support from college


The Contribution of College in an all-round development of my daughter


Short-term Certificate and Add-on Courses Offered by the College


Sports and Cultural Activities


Use of ICT in the College


Library of the College